測量精密加工零件的表面紋路有許多方法,可大致分為兩類。分別是低解析度但易於使用的系統,及高解析度但有許多限制的3D測量系統。檢查員需要在簡易測量及可重複的高解析度測量之間做取捨。但不是每一種狀況都適合使用高解析度測量系統。像是在對大型零件或其他具有輪緣(Flange)、小半徑、通孔(blind hole)等特徵的小型零件進行測量時,就比較不適合使用高解析度測量系統。
4D InSpec 表面測量儀可測量表面缺陷且不受環境的限制,就算在車間也可以使用。4D InSpec 快速、便攜且容易操作,是世界上第一款手持式高解析度表面缺陷測量系統。

Technical Resources
Measuring MEMS and other vertical roughness surfaces
A new technique provides a faster, more repeatable method for vibration-insensitive measurement in non-ideal environments.
Measuring Surface Features with High Resolution in Factory Environments
This article from Industrial Photonics magazine illustrates how the ability to measure surface defects and features anywhere in the factory or on the flightline can be a transformative change in quality control procedures.
Measuring Sub-Angstrom Roughness
How do you measure roughness with sub-angstrom precision in a noisy manufacting environment?
Read this white paper for a break-down of the options, and illustrations of the challenges presented by different solutions.