電子斑點干涉術(ESPI)可以測量漫射表面的結構變化,能夠應用在汽車、航太、材料等研究中。透過快速地擷取資料,可以有效地進行測試和品質控管,且無需使用昂貴的震動隔絕器。而PhaseCam 6100 電子斑點干涉儀 (ESPI),可以達到上述的所有功能。
透過使用PhaseCam ESPI 的基準線測試,我們可以與後續的測量進行比較來確定變形的程度,針對動態物體則可以進行同步及非同步的測量,而在在測量變形振動(vibrational deformation)時,則可以檢查其在寬頻及相為頻譜上的變化。

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PhaseCam ESPI
PhaseCam® ESPI 包括一台 PhaseCam® 6110 動態干涉儀以及一組高功率 532 nm 的雷射光源,本機可同時測量整個表面的變形,且無需將任何的輔助光學元件。
Technical Resources
Measuring dynamic displacement of specular and diffuse components
A paper presenting a single-frame acquisition for measuring dynamic displacement of both specular and diffuse components, by freezing the motion of the test articles and measuring the dynamic nature of the surface figure under changing stress. Describes an ESPI dynamic interferometer.
Dynamic Phase-shifting Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometer
An overview of the techniques and configurations used to build dynamic interferometers and measurement results for a variety of space-based optical components as well as the structures that hold them under simulated space-flight conditions. These techniques and configurations have applicability for many non-space applications as well.