4D Technology 與頂尖隱形眼鏡製造商合作開發測量鏡片和鏡片模具的客製化系統。此外,4D Technology也與特定組織合作,共同研究角膜表面以及淚膜的厚度和變化。
在對活體生物進行測量時,非接觸干涉測量術(Non-contact interferometry )很少被用來當作有效的測量工具。因為只要觀測對象出現輕微的移動,就會導致整個測量數據出現誤差。然而,4D Technology的動態干涉測量技術(Dynamic Interferometry technology)克服了上述限制,實現了針對角膜和淚膜的高解析度及時測量。
4D PhaseCam 干涉儀提供高解析度、高防震性的儀器及先進的分析軟體,幫助研究人員研究角膜表面和淚膜。這些儀器為研究眼睛反應、改善視力矯正及了解眼睛構造等,帶來巨大的幫助。

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Technical Resources
Measuring Motion of Living Cells
A novel Linnik microscope that images and data of live biological samples using video measurements of dynamic motions within and among live cells without the need for contrast agents. Data from pond organisms and human breast cancer cells are presented.
Dynamic quantitative phase images of pond life, insect wings, and in vitro cell cultures
Data from a number of different mud puddle organisms such as paramecium, flagellates and rotifers will be presented, as will measurements of flying ant wings and cultures of human breast cancer cells. These data highlight examples of monitoring different biological processes and motions.