4D InSpec 表面測量儀可即時測量所有鏽蝕的深度、寬度和體積。能夠快速檢查零件的鏽蝕情況,並徹底、準確地評估嚴重程度,即使是難以檢測的地方也都能夠進行測量。

Technical Resources
Measuring Surface Features With High Resolution in Factory Environments
This Industrial Photonics article looks at how rapid, accurate shop floor measurements eliminate ambiguity in part evaluation. Examples of industrial measurement analysis capabilities.
Hi-Res Metrology: 4D's Surface Gauge Improves Quality and Profits
This article from Manufacturing Today magazine illustrates how the ability to measure surface defects and features anywhere in the factory or on the flightline can be a transformative change in quality control procedures.