- 曲率半徑
- 裂痕、凹陷和缺損
- Stair-stepping and terracing
- 倒角和邊緣斷裂
- 表面紋理
- 條紋和線性

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4D InSpec
4D InSpec 表面測量儀是業界首款手持、非接觸式表面缺陷測量儀。 憑藉微米級(micrometer)解析度、便攜性、經濟性和易用性,4D InSpec 可在任何需要的地方進行高解析度 3D 表面測量,無論是工廠車間、機械加工區或任何工程現場…等適用。

4D InSpec XL
4D InSpec 表面測量儀是業界首款手持、非接觸式表面缺陷測量儀。 憑藉微米級(micrometer)解析度、便攜性、經濟性和易用性,4D InSpec 可在任何需要的地方進行高解析度 3D 表面測量,無論是工廠車間、機械加工區或任何工程現場…等適用。
Technical Resources
Video: Measure Radius of Curvature
This six-and-a-half minute video demonstrates how to take a measurement and get the Radius of Curvature profiles you need from it. You can see more tutorials on our Training Video Page.
App Note: Compare Measurement to CAD
This 4D InSpec application note shows a simple example of exporting a 3D measurement from 4D InSpec as .XYZ, then importing that and the CAD file for the part surface in a third-party software package, comparing the measured part to the designed CAD model.